Investigating plastic packaging

Thank you for helping us investigate plastic packaging in supermarkets. This survey will take approximately 5 minutes to complete and will ask you questions about one specific item in the supermarket you are visiting. We suggest completing this survey while you are at the supermarket, prior to finishing your shopping. When you complete the survey you go in for a chance to win a $100 gift card for Seed and Sprout!

If you haven't yet seen our last audit report as yet, please read here:

Question Title

* 1. Which supermarket are you shopping in today?

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* 2. Please provide the following details for this store:

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* 3. Please select the item you are investigating today:

Question Title

* 4. It is easy to purchase this product without plastic here today.

Question Title

* 5. How many different products are available for this item today?
E.g. If 3 brands each sell 2 options for this product, there are 6 products in total.

1 25 50
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 6. Of this number, how many are packaged entirely in plastic?
If you're unsure, please write this in the box provided.

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* 7. How many are mixed packaging? (For example, pasta in a cardboard box with a clear plastic window, cardboard box with soft plastic pouch inside). If you're unsure, please write this in the box provided.

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* 8. What packaging materials are used across these varieties? Choose as many as apply

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* 9. Is this product available in a reusable/refillable format? If yes, please provide details (i.e. returnable bottle, self-serve scoop options, etc.)

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* 10. If investigating clothes washing powder - how many products contain a scoop/measuring cup?
Most packs should say somewhere whether they include a scoop or not. Leave blank if not relevant.

0 20
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 11. Please share your name and email address to verify your entry and go in the draw for a $100 Seed & Sprout gift card.


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* 12. Email Address:

Question Title

* 13. Ready to sign up as a Volunteer Plastic Packaging Investigator? When you sign up, we will keep you in the loop and invite you to be part of our next audit….

We greatly appreciate your support, thank you in advance for your help.