Question Title

* 1. I often think about investing in higher quality sound equipment, but I'm never quite sure if it's necessary. How would you rate your satisfaction with the sound quality of my videos? (0 stars is very dissatisfied, 5 stars means "please don't change a thing".)

Question Title

* 2. Sometimes I worry that I'm not interacting with you often enough! Then sometimes I worry that I'm bothering you too much! How often would you like to hear from me via Patreon?

Question Title

* 3. What TYPE of communication would you most enjoy receiving? Please rank each option.

  Not Really My Thing I Like This a Little I Like This a Medium Amount I Like This a Lot!
I enjoy content-related updates (video links, channel updates, info about upcoming videos).
I enjoy personal stuff, like blogs and photos that give us insight into your thoughts and your life.
I enjoy behind-the-scenes stuff (photos, videos, and blogs about my production process).
I enjoy bonus content, like Patron-only videos and early access links.

Question Title

* 4. Do you have any other feedback you'd like to share? Things you would you like to see more of? Less of? Anything you just want to say to me? This form is anonymous, so please leave your name if you want me to know it's you!