Little Athletics Australia is offering an opportunity to run some workshops, for any of our Little Athletics Centers designed to help support your volunteers.  The two available workshops are:
How to Make your Little Athletics Centre more Inclusive for all athletes 
In this workshop Little Athletics Australia will share insights on what it takes to foster a Whole-of-Centre approach to inclusion. Centres will discover how to:

• Foster an environment that welcomes and includes all athletes
• Adapt their communication style to diverse audiences
• Harness the power of non-verbal communication
• Implement easy strategies for teaching new skills
• Utilise positive feedback to inspire and motivate athletes
• Gain practical strategies for managing a group of athletes
How to Modify Little Athletics Events for Athletes with Disability 
In this workshop Little Athletics Australia will share practical strategies on how Centres can modify events so athletes can participate in every event. Centres will learn how to:

• Foster an inclusive culture that promotes participation and belonging
• Modify events to include athletes with disability
• Provide appropriate support and equipment for athletes with disability
• Create meaningful and memorable experiences for all athletes
1.Please select your club from the list(Required.)
2.Which workshop would you be interested in attending?(Required.)
3.How many people from your centre would attend each workshop (approx. numbers)?(Required.)
4.When would be your preferred day & time to attend a workshop? (depending on interest, we will look to run one workshop in early December and one in January)(Required.)