This survey is sponsored by Greater Philadelphia Business Coalition on Health, Delaware SHRM Statewide Council, and Delaware Health and Social Services, Division of Public Health.

Question Title

* 1. What is your organization's industry type?

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* 2. Approximately how many total employees (full- and part-time) are in your organization nationwide?

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* 3. Approximately how many employees (full- and part-time) does your organization have working in Delaware?

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* 4. Which of the following best describes the health benefits offered by your organization?

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* 5. Who is your current health plan or TPA?  (select all that apply)

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* 6. Approximately how many total lives (employees and dependents) are covered under your organization's health benefits?

Question Title

* 7. Please indicate whether you offer or are considering offering the following benefits related to diabetes prevention and management.

  Currently offer Considering for next year Considering for next 2-3 years Not considering Don't know/not sure
National Diabetes Prevention Lifestyle Change Program (NDPP or DPP)
Diabetes management support through vendor or health plan
Health coaching
Nutrition counseling
Diabetes self-management education and support services (DSMES)
Coverage of anti-obesity medications
Coverage of bariatric surgery

Question Title

* 8. Would you like to receive free information to evaluate offering and/or enhancing any of the following diabetes prevention and management programs for your organization? (check all that are of interest to you)

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* 9. We have a few additional questions about the composition of your employee population.  What percent of the employee population is:

  <5% 5% - 15% 16% - 30% 31% - 45% 46% - 60% > 60% Don't Know
Of Latinx/Hispanic Origin
Asian or Pacific Islander
Haitian Creole
Receiving health coverage through MEDICARE
Receiving health coverage through MEDICAID

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* 10. Would you like to receive an aggregate (de-identified) report of the findings from this survey?

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* 11. Finally, we would like to collect information on how best to contact you. This information will not be shared and will be used only to follow-up with you on your survey responses. Thank you!

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* 12. Is there anything else you would like to share with us regarding your organization's programs and/or needs with regard to diabetes prevention and management?