Recently, Yoga Alliance has been contacted by members of the Arizona yoga community who are concerned about the State Board of Private Postsecondary Education’s (SBPPE) regulations that treat yoga teacher training programs (“YTTs”) as “private vocational programs.” Like most in the yoga community, Yoga Alliance does not believe that YTTs are properly categorized as private vocational programs and understands that the regulations applying to such programs are harmful to Arizona’s vibrant yoga community.

Yoga Alliance is laying the groundwork to advocate on behalf of YTTs in Arizona. As we continue our efforts, we would appreciate you sharing your insights regarding current regulation of YTTs in Arizona by completing the short survey below. Thank you for your interest and attention to this issue.

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* 1. Do you own, manage, or run a yoga teacher training program?

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* 2. If you own, manage or run a yoga teacher training program, how many participants do you typically have per year?

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* 3. If you already own, manage or run a yoga teacher training program, have government regulations dissuaded you from offering addition teacher training programs?

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* 4. Have you attended a yoga teacher training program?

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* 5. In your experience, do most of the participants in your yoga teacher training program go on to teach yoga as a full or part-time career or do they attend the program primarily to deepen their personal practice or for other non-monetary reasons?

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* 6. If you have never owned, managed or run a yoga teacher training program, have you ever considered doing so?

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* 7. If you have considered owning, managing or running a yoga teacher training program but have not done so, have government regulations and costs been a factor in your decision not to do so?

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* 8. Have you been contacted by the SBPPE regarding your yoga teacher training program? If so, when?

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* 9. Is your yoga teacher training program currently subject to requirements governed by the SBPPE?

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* 10. If so, what do these requirements entail? Are the fees expensive? Are costs and time for compliance over-burdensome?

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* 11. Do you believe that yoga teacher training programs should be regulated as "vocational" programs?

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* 12. Are you interested in assisting Yoga Alliance in an effort to advocate for the removal of SBPPE regulations on yoga teacher training programs in Arizona? If so, please provide your contact information.

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* 13. Do you happen to know any state legislators or government officials who might be supportive of our efforts to ensure that yoga teacher training programs are not subject to SBPPE regulation?