團體導賞網上報名表 (學校、非牟利團體及慈善團體) Group Guided Application Form (Schools, Non-Profit Organisations and Charitable Organisations) |
CHAT六廠 導賞服務申請須知
Important Notes for Guided Experiences at CHAT
1. 團體導賞以先到先得原則分配。
1. Group guided tour applications will be processed on first-come, first-served basis.
2. 確認預約後,申請人將於7個工作天內收到付款通知,並於繳款後始視作預約成功。團體導賞費用不設退款,唯申請人可在不少於原定日期7個工作天前致電3979 2301訪客服務部,更改已確認之日期或時間。
2. Confirmation of tour booking along with Invoice of the tour fee will be sent within 7 working days after Booking Acknowledgement. Tour booking will only be secured after payment is made. The paid fee is non-refundable . Applicant may reschedule a group guided tour by contacting the Visitor Experience Department at 3979 2301 at least 7 working days before the booked tour date.
3. 如未能提供申請表內所要求的資料,申請將不被處理。
3. Please provide all required information on the application form or application may not be processed.
4. 本表格中收集的個人資料將用於以下一個或多個用途:
4. Personal information collected in this form will be used for one or more of the following purpose(s):
A. 處理團體導賞預訂 processing booking of CHAT Group Guided Tour
B. 提供訪客服務 provision of visitor services
C. 編制統計數據 compiling statistical analysis
1. Group guided tour applications will be processed on first-come, first-served basis.
2. 確認預約後,申請人將於7個工作天內收到付款通知,並於繳款後始視作預約成功。團體導賞費用不設退款,唯申請人可在不少於原定日期7個工作天前致電3979 2301訪客服務部,更改已確認之日期或時間。
2. Confirmation of tour booking along with Invoice of the tour fee will be sent within 7 working days after Booking Acknowledgement. Tour booking will only be secured after payment is made. The paid fee is non-refundable . Applicant may reschedule a group guided tour by contacting the Visitor Experience Department at 3979 2301 at least 7 working days before the booked tour date.
3. 如未能提供申請表內所要求的資料,申請將不被處理。
3. Please provide all required information on the application form or application may not be processed.
4. 本表格中收集的個人資料將用於以下一個或多個用途:
4. Personal information collected in this form will be used for one or more of the following purpose(s):
A. 處理團體導賞預訂 processing booking of CHAT Group Guided Tour
B. 提供訪客服務 provision of visitor services
C. 編制統計數據 compiling statistical analysis
The tour quota for 2025 February and March has already been filled. We kindly request that you apply for tours from April onwards.
The tour quota for 2025 February and March has already been filled. We kindly request that you apply for tours from April onwards.