Copy of Ewing Foundation client survey 2024

Thank you for working with us recently. We would love to get your feedback.

1.Please confirm which member of our team you worked with. If more than one team member, please write additional names in the Other box. Thank you.
2.How was your experience of working with us?
3.What did we do well?
4.What could we improve on?
5.Is there anything you have done differently since working with us?
6.Anything else you would like to suggest or tell us about? If you have any training needs, please let us know your name and email address.
7.Would you like to receive our news by email? If so, please let us know your name and email address.
8.We sometimes include feedback (anonymously) on our website and promotional materials. If you are happy for your feedback to be used anonymously in this way, please opt in here.