We appreciate you taking the time to complete our survey.

Question Title

* 1. Which Dentist do you usually visit?

Question Title

* 2. How satisfied were you with the time you had to wait to book an appointment to see Dr Davison? If dissatisfied please explain below:

Question Title

* 3. How long do you wait to be seen for your appointment with Dr Davison?

Question Title

* 4. Did you have sufficient anaesthetic for your treatment?

Question Title

* 5. Was Dr Davison attentive to your needs?

Question Title

* 6. How satisfied were you that Dr Davison involved you in decisions about your dental care? If dissatisfied please explain below:

Question Title

* 7. How satisfied were you with the information given by Dr Davison on the cost of your treatment? If dissatisfied please explain below:

Question Title

* 8. During your most recent visit, did Dr Davison explain things in a way that was easy to understand? Then move to Question 26.

Question Title

* 9. How satisfied were you with the time you had to wait to book an appointment to see Dr Stannard? If dissatisfied please explain below:

Question Title

* 10. How long do you wait to be seen for your appointment with Dr Stannard?

Question Title

* 11. Did you have sufficient anaesthetic for your treatment?

Question Title

* 12. Was Dr Stannard attentive to your needs?

Question Title

* 13. How satisfied were you that Dr Stannard involved you in decisions about your dental care? If dissatisfied please explain below:

Question Title

* 14. How satisfied were you with the information given by Dr Stannard on the cost of your treatment? If dissatisfied please explain below:

Question Title

* 15. During your most recent visit, did Dr Stannard explain things in a way that was easy to understand?

Question Title

* 16. How clean were the areas in which you were treated at holistic dental centre?

Question Title

* 17. Who was your Hygienist?

Question Title

* 18. Were you treated with dignity and respect by your hygienist?

Question Title

* 19. Did your hygienist try their best to make you feel as comfortable as possible, if not please explain what we could change?

Question Title

* 20. Do you feel an improvement as a result of your hygiene treatment?

Question Title

* 21. Using any number from 0 to 4, where 4 is the most painful and 0 is pain free, what number would you use to rate your last hygienist appointment?

Question Title

* 22. Who was your dental nurse?

Question Title

* 23. Were you treated with dignity and respect by your dental nurse?

Question Title

* 24. Was your dental nurse attentive to your needs? (e.g. suctioning away saliva when necessary)

Question Title

* 25. How did you find the atmosphere in the surgery, please tick all that apply

Question Title

* 26. Were your clothes sufficiently protected from materials and moisture?

Question Title

* 27. If your jaw felt tired during treatment, was care taken to make you more comfortable?

Question Title

* 28. If you had to spend more than 15 minutes in the waiting room before you saw someone for your appointment, how often did someone tell you why there was a delay or how long the delay would be?

Question Title

* 29. Were you greeted with courtesy and respect when you entered the practice?

Question Title

* 30. How respectful of your cultural commitments was the staff at holistic dental centre?

Question Title

* 31. How confident are you that your dental team listens and responds to your needs?

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* 32. How confident are you that your personal information is kept confidential and secure at the practice?

Question Title

* 33. Using any number from 0 to 4, where 0 is the worst dental care possible and 4 is the best dental care possible, what number would you use to rate all of the dental care you personally received in the last 12 months?

  4 3 2 1 0 Worst regular dentist possible

Question Title

* 34. If in the future we opened the practice for appointments out of working hours, would you be interested in booking an appointment at these times?