A gripping and heartwarming novel inspired by the true events of the women who joined the resistance in Jersey during the German occupation in WW2, based around a book club and its members, who found solace during the war in the words of forbidden books.

Hodder & Stoughton is offering copies of The Wartime Book Club by Kate Thompson to book clubs to review.

More about the book

Jersey, 1943. When the German Army invades the tranquil island, librarian Grace La Motée is determined to keep her services running. Ordered to destroy books which threaten the Nazi regime, she refuses, instead hiding them away and fighting back by forming a book club: a lifeline to help islanders escape the terror of war, one chapter at a time.

But soon Grace's quiet acts of bravery become even more perilous. She's harbouring dangerous secrets - ones that put her life in danger - and when tensions turn to violence, she is forced to face the true, terrible cost of resistance . . .

Based on astonishing real events, The Wartime Book Club is a love letter to the power of books in the darkest of times - as well as a moving page turner that brings to life the remarkable, untold story of an island at war.

'One of the very best books I've read in a long time. A gripping, emotional rollercoaster and a true hymn to the power and spirit of novels' - Peter James

'A poignant masterpiece that paints a vivid picture of Nazi-occupied life on the isle of Jersey and illustrates how books can truly provide hope in the darkest of times . . . raw and real, this story will pull at your heart' - Madeline Martin

If you and your book club would like to take part, please complete this survey by 13 September.

The books will be delivered to you in September and you will have six weeks after you receive the books to send back individual reviews. To select the groups, we anonymise your applications and share with the publisher to choose.

Please only apply if you will be able to send the group's feedback by this date.

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* 1. By applying for this opportunity, you agree that your group will read, discuss and submit reviews for each of the books received within six weeks?

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* 2. Please provide your contact details. Your address will be sent to the publisher only if your pitch is successful.

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* 3. Name of group:

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* 4. How many books would you need for your group? Please note that most publishers may only be able to send a maximum of ten books.

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* 5. Why would your group like to take part in this offer?
You could tell us about your group, what you like to read, how often you meet (etc.).

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* 6. Will you be able to share some images with your group (these can be without faces), of your display or your reviews on social media?

Thank you and we look forward to working with you!