Customer Survey 2024-2025

Hi there! 🤝

Dens, toasted marshmallows, fun & games won't change the world, but the kids who play can! 🤸

Here's your chance to win a £200 Outdoors Project voucher

Please spend 5 minutes completing this survey so we can find out what we are doing right & what we could we do better. Scroll down to get started!

As ever, thanks for your support.

Adventure on,
The Outdoors Project Team x 🌳

Question Title

* 1. If you wish to be entered into The Outdoors Project's £200 voucher draw please enter your contact details and complete the survey in full.

Question Title

* 2. Which Outdoors Project does your child attend?

Question Title

* 3. Would you recommend The Outdoors Project to other parents?

Question Title

* 4. How did you first hear about The Outdoors Project?

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* 5. How do you receive our regular club information?

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* 6. What do you most value about The Outdoors Project? (Tick up to 3)

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* 7. Holiday Clubs: How many stars would you give The Outdoors Project Holiday Clubs?

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* 8. Holiday Clubs: What's the main reason you book The Outdoors Project Holiday Clubs? (Tick up to 3)

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* 9. On average, how many The Outdoors Project Holiday Clubs days per year are you likely to book?

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* 10. Do you have a new holiday club location suggestion?

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* 11. What's your child's favourite kind of activity/theme? (Tick up to 3)

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* 12. After School Clubs: If your child has attended our after school club, how would you rate it?

Question Title

* 13. After School Clubs: If your child attends our after school club, why do you book?

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* 14. Birthday Parties: If your child has attended a birthday party, how would you rate it?

Question Title

* 15. How would you rate The Outdoors Project value for money

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* 16. How would you rate The Outdoors Project booking system & communication?

Question Title

* 17. Are you aware of The Outdoors Project's loyalty stamp card, allowing children to earn stamps at sessions & collect our patches?

Question Title

* 18. Has any member of The Outdoors Project team particularly impressed you? Who, why & where?   Is there anything else you would like to share with us about your experience with The Outdoors Project?