The Next 100 Years and She Breaks the Law join forces in first of its kind survey

With AI representing the future economy and opportunities in and beyond legal, Next 100 Years and She Breaks the Law are coming together to ensure women in law’s voices aren’t just participating in the Great AI Conversation, but leading it.

This survey is a call to share your insights and shape the future. Your views will spark a series of events focused on amplifying women in law and the conversation and direction of AI in our industry.

We want to hear from you – your voice matters, and we need your views.
About Your Employment and Industry Role

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* 1. Please select the environment that best describes your current role in the legal sector:

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* 2. Which of the following best describes your current position?

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* 3. What is your level of seniority?

General Questions on GenAI and New Technologies in the Legal Industry

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* 4. How familiar are you with Generative AI (GenAI) and emerging technologies within the legal sector?

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* 5. How significant do you believe the role of GenAI and new technologies will be in shaping the future of the legal profession?

The Impact of Technology

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* 6. How much do you agree or disagree with the statement: “My organisation has embraced GenAI and technology fully"?

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* 7. What positive impacts, if any, have you observed from the introduction of GenAI and new technologies in your work?

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* 8. In what areas of your work do you believe GenAI and new technologies could provide the most benefit?

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* 9. To what extent has the adoption of GenAI and new technologies at your workplace been inclusive of diverse perspectives and needs?

Adoption Rates, Barriers, and Justice Gap

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* 10. Have you encountered barriers to adopting AI and new technologies in your organisation? If so, what are they?

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* 11. In your opinion, what factors contribute to the slower adoption of AI technologies among women in the legal industry?

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* 12. How do you perceive the role of AI and new technologies in narrowing the justice gap within the legal system?

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* 13. Can you provide examples or ideas on how AI and new technologies could be leveraged to promote greater justice and equity within the legal sector?

Support, Training, and Ethical Considerations

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* 14. What type of support or resources would encourage a more rapid adoption of AI among women?

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* 15. Considering the potential of AI to narrow the justice gap, what specific roles do you believe women should play in shaping the implementation and ethical use of AI in law?

Future-Oriented and Solution-Focused Questions

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* 16. What roles or actions do you believe women in the legal profession can take to positively shape the development and implementation of AI technologies?

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* 17. What support structures or policies could be put in place to ensure women have a leading voice in the evolution of AI within the legal sector?

Addressing Gender Bias and AI

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* 18. Have you observed instances where AI or legal tech tools have perpetuated gender or other biases? Please describe.

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* 19. What strategies or measures would you recommend to mitigate biases in AI and ensure fair representation within legal tech solutions?

Capturing Actionable Insights

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* 20. What are the biggest challenges you face in using GenAI and new technologies in your role, and how can these be addressed?