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We want to hear from you!

The Master Plan for Bellevue’s Ashwood Park is being updated. We are excited to share the next two plan alternatives developed based on community input, along with the adopted 1990 Master Plan.

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Alternative F

Conceptual drawing of Ashwood Park, showing a restroom, picnic shelters, children's play area, off-leash area, plaza and open lawn area.

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Alternative G

Conceptual drawing of Ashwood Park, showing parking lot, off-leash area with small shelter, walking path, open lawn with an art/play area,  restroom and plaza are adjacent to open lawn area.

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Adopted 1990 Master Plan

Line drawing of approved 1990 Master Plan, showing open lawn area and a community center.
After reviewing the Ashwood Park alternative plans and 1990 adopted plan, please respond to the survey questions below to help refine the park design options. Community feedback will help inform the Parks & Community Services Board recommendation and the City Council’s adoption of a master plan.

Question Title

* 1. After studying the two alternative plans and the adopted 1990 Master Plan, which plan is closest to representing the park you would like to see?

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* 2. Comparing the plans, which off-leash area do you prefer?

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* 3. Why?

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* 4. Comparing the plans, which play area do you prefer?

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* 5. Why?

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* 6. Both alternative plans include a southern plaza, Alternative F includes a sloped lawn lower than the plaza (similar to what exists today), and Alternative G includes a lawn at the same level as the plaza. Which aesthetic do you prefer?

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* 7. Why?

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* 8. Alternative F includes picnic shelters at the north end of the park, and Alternative G provides a picnic shelter at the south end of the park. Would your ideal shelter be in the:

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* 9. Why?

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* 10. Community feedback indicated a desire to include appropriate amenities and keep open space and green space in the updated master plan. Do you feel that Alternative F has found a balance between the open/green space and hardscape/amenities?

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* 11. Community feedback indicated a desire to include appropriate amenities and keep open space and green space in the updated master plan. Do you feel that Alternative G has found a balance between the open/green space and hardscape/amenities?

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* 12. Is there an amenity that is missing from these plans that is a high priority for you? If so, what is that amenity?

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* 13. When visiting the library, how likely are you to visit the park afterward?

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* 14. On the last survey we heard that the majority of people think Ashwood Park is an appropriate name for the park. What should the park be named?