Community Grants Program Survey

Council’s Community Connections and Partnerships Team (the Grants Team) are undertaking a review of the Community Grants Program. We would value your feedback to understand the following:
  • level of community satisfaction with existing Program
  • how responsive the Program is to community need
  • how clear and useable the Program guidelines and application forms are.

This survey is open residents of the Sunshine Coast Local Government Area only.

What is the Community Grants Program and why do we have it?

Sunshine Coast Council is proud to support our local community groups and the amazing work they do to make our region a great place to live, work and play through the Community Grants Program.

The Program aims to acknowledge and strengthen the valuable contribution that community groups and their volunteers make towards achieving our shared vision and goal of being Australia’s most sustainable region: healthy, smart, creative and fostering strong communities within the Sunshine Coast.

The Program focus is on supporting groups to deliver community-led projects, events and activities that respond to community needs and opportunities, provide broad community benefit and are aligned with Council’s priorities.

In 2023/2024, $1,581,121 was awarded to support 482 community projects through the Community Grants Program. A total of $2,889,835 was requested with 609 applications submitted.

See the Guidelines for information on eligibility, category priorities and assessment criteria.

Program Summary

Grant Type Applicant Type Timeframes Amount
Major Community Group Two rounds per year, closing March and August.
Notification 6-8 weeks from closing date.
Up to $30,000*
Minor Community Group Two rounds per year, closing May and October.
Notification 6 weeks from closing date.
Up to $2000
Festive and Commemorative Events Community Group Applications can be submitted at any time and are assessed every three months.
Notification within three weeks of assessment.
Up to $15,000
Up to 3 years funding available
Emergency Community Group Applications can be submitted at any time.
Notification 2 weeks after application received.
Up to $3000
Individual Development Individual Applications assessed every two months.
Notification within two weeks of assessment.
Up to $500 per individual or $2000 per team.

*Co-funding requirements apply to requests over $7500. Requests over $15,000 must be for infrastructure projects.

Question Title

* 1. I am satisfied that the Community Grants Program is supporting local community groups to deliver community-led initiatives, which respond to community needs and opportunities.
Please rate your level of agreement with this statement by choosing the most relevant response below.

Question Title

* 2. The eligibility criteria, round frequency and funding amounts in Council’s Community Grants Program are responsive to community need.
Please rate your level of agreement with this statement by choosing the most relevant response below.

Question Title

* 3. The co-funding requirements for Major Grants are appropriate to ensure the fair and equitable distribution of funds in a competitive grants program.
Please rate your level of agreement with this statement by choosing the most relevant response below.

Question Title

* 4. I find the Community Grants Program guidelines, forms and processes easy to understand and use.
Please rate your level of agreement with this statement by choosing the most relevant response below.

Question Title

* 5. Council should continue supporting community projects through the Community Grants Program.
Please rate your level of agreement with this statement by choosing the most relevant response below.

Please only complete if you have been awarded funding from Council's Community Grants Program in the last three years.

Question Title

* 6. Council funding was essential for my organisation to successfully deliver the project.
Please rate your level of agreement with this statement by choosing the most relevant response below.

Question Title

* 7. Although my application was part funded, I was still able to successfully deliver the project.
Please rate your level of agreement with this statement by choosing the most relevant response below.

Please only complete if you are from an eligible community group but haven’t previously applied for funding through the Community Grants Program.

Question Title

* 8. If you haven’t applied for funding, why not?
Please select all that apply

Question Title

* 9. Thank your for taking the time to complete this survey. Before you go, is there anything else you would like to share with us about Council's Community Grants Program?

Survey closes Sunday 8 September2024, at midnight.