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Annual Grant Program Application Form 
A program of Albertine Foundation and the Cultural Services of the French Embassy in the United States, the French Dual Language Fund aims to support the expanding network of French dual language and immersion programs in American public schools. Currently this network is comprised of 182 schools in 29 states, serving over 33,000 students. 
More information about the Fund can be found here.

The Annual Grant Program
We invite teachers and administrators of American K-12 public schools, school districts, state agencies who manage French dual language and immersion programs to apply for a grant in the amount of $1,000 to $10,000 to support a specific project aimed at promoting the objectives of the Fund. The project should address one or more of the five specific program areas: 

1/ Creating or developing a francophone environment in your school (for example, purchase of books, DVDs, CDs, or games for the francophone section of your school library or organization of a francophone event such as film screenings, workshops with francophone authors, theater clubs, and more).
2/ Adapted pedagogical material for the classroom (for example, curriculum supports such as software, DVDs, subscription to TV5, etc. for your French class or subject matter class adapted for French Immersion, costs related to assessment, and more).
3/ Professional development for teachers (for example, sending teachers to France to the CLA or France Education International, sending teachers to professional development institutes in the United States, or supporting the facilitation of workshops with experts identified by the district or the school, and more).
4/ Professional development for administrators (for example, participation by an administrator in a CARLA summer institute, online certification for administrators of dual language programs, supporting the school to invite external experts or consultants to provide council on development of the dual language program, and more)
5/ French language proficiency tests for students (priority will be given for the DELF/DALF, but we will also consider other types of assessments such as STAMP or AAPPL, etc.)
Eligibility Criteria
  • be teachers or administrators at a U.S. public school; OR district administrators; OR state-level administrators; OR PTO/PTA affiliated with a French dual language or immersion program;
  • work for a school, district or state which either has or is in the process of creating a French dual language or immersion program that will serve 20 or more students in the 2024-2025 school year;
  • demonstrate that French is used in at least 20% of instruction within the French dual language or immersion program;
  • commit to submitting a report expressing the challenges, opportunities and impact of the project for which the grant was received;
  • provide a completed W-9 with the application. If the application is selected, the grant will be disbursed to the entity whose name appears in box 1 of the W-9 form. See grants disbursement section for more information.
If you have received a grant for previous cycles, you are more than welcome to apply for the present cycle: Please note that distribution of grants is dependent on receiving the report from previous projects for which grants have been allocated. If selected, grants for 2024-2025 will be distributed upon receiving a full report.

March 10, 2024: Application deadline

March, 2024: Funding decisions will be announced

May-June, 2024: Grants will be distributed to selected applicants after contracts are finalized by all parties and provided previous reports have been submitted, if applicable.

Please note that failure to respond, sign the grant agreement or provide a signed W9 before the end of the year will be considered as a cancellation of the grant.

The application form shall present a project for the 2024-2025 school year. Applicants who have previously applied and/or received a grant are welcome to apply every year, provided they have submitted the report from previous projects.

For more information, please contact the FDLF team at:
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