Please complete this form if you DOWNLOAD or PRESENT the ACTRIMS/ECTRIMS 2020 slide deck(s).

Question Title

* 1. Name

If you plan to present the slide deck(s), please complete questions 2-5.
If you downloaded the slide deck(s) for your own reading, please go to question 5.

Question Title

* 2. Date of virtual presentation


Question Title

* 3. Platform used for your presentation:

Question Title

* 4. Number of participants at your event

Question Title

* 5. Please rate the following (1=poor, 5=excellent)

  1 2 3 4 5
Slides adequately summarized research presented at ACTRIMS/ECTRIMS
Data were accurate and properly presented
Content was balanced and free of bias
Slides were legible and nicely produced
Slides stimulated interesting discussions

Question Title

* 6. Additional comments