Racism Against South Asians In Australia Incident Report |
Reporting Racism Against South Asians in Australia
Racism incidents against South Asians in Australia are on the rise, with most of these incidents left unreported. This year the COVID-19 Pandemic has resulted in abuse targeted towards people of Chinese/East Asian background and people who look ‘Asian'. Nonetheless South Asians have also been at the receiving end of the racist attacks.
In particular communication with the South Asian communities has not been adequate during the pandemic and this has created the perception that these communities are responsible for the spread of COVID19 which has led to increased incidents of racism against them
Please see the following SBS news stories that demonstrate this trend. The head Victorian Convenor of the Asian Australian Alliance (AAA) has personally received reports of racism against South Asians in Australia.
1. https://www.sbs.com.au/language/english/audio/f-k-off-go-back-where-you-came-from-indian-student-assaulted-in-alleged-racial-attack-in-melbourne
2. https://www.sbs.com.au/language/english/audio/go-back-where-you-came-from-two-charged-over-alleged-assault-of-indian-international-student-in-melbourne
3. https://www.sbs.com.au/language/english/audio/go-back-to-your-f-king-country-you-brought-coronavirus-here-indian-student-racially-abused-assaulted-in-adelaide
There may be various reasons for these incidents of racism happening, including general unrest and frustration because of the virus, but let's acknowledge that none of these reasons excuse the racism and hate, and those using these reasons to act on their anger and resentment need to be called out for it.
Racism against South Asians has been is on the rise now, but like any incidents of racism against BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Colour), recent events are not the cause of racism but it is a symptom of a long history of racism - South Asians in Australia are no exception and have been subjected to racist incidents for a very long time. Many people do not report because they are not sure who to report to, or their inherent fear and mistrust of authorities and the lack of confidence in getting redress.
AAA will work on identifying who is targeted, how, where, when and how we can better communicate information to the South Asian community.
We will collect statistics through a survey and then collate the information to collate a plan of action. Our previous work on the COVID-19 survey will be useful for this work and will provide the structure and the foundation. Some of the reasons for racism against South Asians may be different and the way it manifests too. Also culturally the South Asian community may react differently to other Asian communities when attacked.
AAA will work on identifying who is targeted, how, where, when and how we can better communicate information to the South Asian community.
We will collect statistics through a survey and then collate the information to collate a plan of action. Our previous work on the COVID-19 survey will be useful for this work and will provide the structure and the foundation. Some of the reasons for racism against South Asians may be different and the way it manifests too. Also culturally the South Asian community may react differently to other Asian communities when attacked.
Their English Language proficiency may be better too. For all these reasons actions that AAA undertakes with regard to this community may be different and targeted.
1. Federal and State Government
2. Federal and State Government Human Rights Authorities
3. Federal and State Government multicultural bodies
4. Community groups and leaders
5. International student groups
6. Other Civil rights groups.
1. Federal and State Government
2. Federal and State Government Human Rights Authorities
3. Federal and State Government multicultural bodies
4. Community groups and leaders
5. International student groups
6. Other Civil rights groups.
If you have any questions, please contact Molina Swarup Asthana on info@asianaustralianalliance.net .
Image credit: Indian Express