USAV and PSA are continually striving to provide its members with the information and tools they need to remain competitive in their markets. One of the ways it accomplishes this goal is the USAV and PSA Financial Review of the Industry. This research program collects targeted financial, operational and compensation data among member companies to help USAV and PSA members benchmark their companies’ metrics with those of their peers. Once the data is received, we will compile a report and share the findings with our members.
We recommend completing the survey in one sitting to avoid losing data. Once you start the survey, there will be questions that require an answer to advance. To prepare your answers and resources before taking the survey, please refer to the survey overview PDF here. The PDF is not the official survey and any data recorded in the PDF will not be counted.
All information collected in this survey will remain confidential to USAV and PSA. Aggregate data will only be made available to those who participate in the survey, but USAV and PSA will structure this information in a manner that preserves full respondent anonymity to ensure no specific individual or company can be identified. You will be asked to provide your company name so we can be sure to collect input from a broad range of our members. Thank you for helping elevate your industry.