Why is MSAC doing this survey?
We are collecting information to clarify current needs and interests of older area residents and MSAC's role in responding to those needs/interests. The survey should take about ten minutes to fill out.

Three years ago the COVID-19 pandemic forced MSAC to close its doors, suspend or change activities and offer classes online. We are still seeing an impact of the pandemic on participation and so this survey includes a few questions to gauge how well MSAC members are navigating these challenging times.

Who can take part in this survey?
Anyone age 50 or older and living in or near Washington County, Vermont, may take part. MSAC uses this survey to help evaluate, plan and improve its services. Please call us at 802-223-2518 or email us if you have questions.

What's in it for me? Is there an "early bird special"?
MSAC members who submit a completed survey by Tuesday, June 13, and attend the short 2023 Annual Membership Meeting June 20th may enter their names for raffle prize drawings taking place at that meeting! You must attend to win. Please look for details at the end of this survey, in your renewal letter and in the June newsletter. Raffle prizes will include TWO gift certificates worth $50, and $100 toward MSAC services, a 2023 Pool pass and a Pickleball Punchcard.  

Click on "OK" or "NEXT" to proceed forward in the survey. You must click "DONE" at the very end for your survey to be submitted.

Question Title

* 1. Are you currently an MSAC member?

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* 2. About how long have you been taking part in MSAC activities?

Question Title

* 3. BEFORE the COVID pandemic closed the MSAC facility in March of 2020, how often did you take part in MSAC activities?

Question Title

* 4. SINCE March of 2020, during the height of the pandemic, roughly how often did you take part in MSAC activities?

Question Title

* 5. Over the last year 2022-2023, how often have you taken part in MSAC activities?

Question Title

* 6. How do you learn about MSAC or its events/services/activities? (check ALL that apply)


Question Title

* 7. What is the focus of your MSAC activities or classes? Please check ALL that apply. Please see question #38 to suggest specific classes, activities or events you would like MSAC to add.

Question Title

* 8. We know the initial crisis of the pandemic has passed but that folks might still be wary of coming indoors again. When MSAC offers an indoor, in-person activity on a subject or with people that interest you AND where participants are safely distanced AND must wear a mask, would you want to attend?


Question Title

* 9. We would like to know how involvement with MSAC may have influenced your life. Please check ALL boxes below that match how you feel about each statement. 

Because I began taking part in MSAC activities, I...

Question Title

* 10. Please tell us how satisfied you are with the following aspects of MSAC. You may skip a question that does not pertain to you. Question #38 invites you to add comments or suggestions. Check the box that best matches how you feel about each statement on a scale ranging from never to always.

  never sometimes often usually always
MSAC makes me feel welcome and comfortable
Staff members are responsive to my needs or questions
I understand the MSAC membership benefits
I would recommend MSAC to a friend
(Question #38 invites you to add comments)

Question Title

* 11. What is your age?

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* 12. How do you identify your gender?

Question Title

* 13. Race or ethnicity? (please check all that apply)

Question Title

* 14. Housing/Financing: Please check the ONE sentence that best matches your situation.

Question Title

* 15. Housing/Occupancy – Do you:  (please check all that apply)

Question Title

* 16. Annual Household Income

Question Title

* 17. Financial Security: Please check the one sentence that best matches your situation.

Question Title

* 18. Did the pandemic change your housing or financial situation?

Question Title

* 19. Do you have a computer or other smart device? If you answer YES, then skip to #20.