Call for Images Submissions—Newborn Findings |
Thank you for your interest in contributing to American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) publications and resources. Your contributions are invaluable for enhancing medical education and pediatric care.
AAP Publications is requesting submissions of high-quality images showing findings as indicated below. All images will be reviewed, although not all images will be selected for publication. You will be notified by AAP staff regarding your submission in the case of acceptance. The statement "Image appears courtesy of..." will accompany your name in any publications for which your image is used.
Please submit only images that belong to you. You may submit up to 10 images as a time; if you would like to submit more than 10 images, you can submit multiple forms. If you would like to submit a collection or series of images, please load them individually as indicated in the form and leave a note in the Image Description boxes stating that the images belong to a collection.
Submissions preferred by 10/1/2022.
If you have questions about this form, please contact