TOTY 2016

Question Title


Question Title

* 1. Please rank your top 5 favorite episode titles from 2016 (1 = favorite)

  1 2 3 4 5
Ice Fractals
Half Cheeking It
Appetizer Alamo
Shenmue Three's Company
Pop Linguistics
Pigeon Drop
The Problem Must Be You
Articulate Stupidity
Facepalm Trees
Dolphin Puncher XD
Not for Long, Then Forever
Haunted Strip Club
Super Mario Entrapment
Needs More Wolf Junk
Those Chickens Burn Back
Kole Shoulder
2 Ash 2 Furious
Professional Fun Haver
Fiber Wire Bribe
A Lot of Bucket Play
Piss, Vinegar, and Tears
My Hips Are My Bond
Beefy Mess
Table Flippin'
Baby Vape
I Feel Nothing
A Sinner's Buffet of Monsters to Slay
Corvax is Corvax for Corvax
Chrono Trigger Warning
Sneaky Sneaky Guy
Bland White People Names
Deported to Flavor Country
This is Zubat Country
Snake Lipton
Suck It, Horses
Bring Me the Pump Action, Jeeves
The Yadda Yadda Button
You Should Feel Bad
Quarter to Third Mons
The Ol' Crazy Hole
Saving it for the Memoir