Interview Nerves

 Changing your emotional state
We’ve all heard the term “state of mind,” but have you ever put much thought into what it really means? Before you can answer the question, “How do I change my state of mind?” you first have to know what it is. “State of mind” is defined as the quality of one’s consciousness as it relates to the outside world, as well as the perception of their inner thoughts and emotions. When you’re in control of your state of mind, you’re the master of your emotions and you understand that life is happening for you, not to you.

When was the last time you were in a bad mood? How did being in that state affect other parts of your life? We often feel like our emotions are beyond our control, but that’s entirely untrue. In reality, you have the power to learn how to change your mood, and can do so in an instant.

Instead of asking “How can I change my state of mind?” many people simply think they have to live with whatever mood they’re in. They buy into the limiting belief that they are prone to unhappiness or anxiety or that they can only be in a good mood when the outside world is moving as they want it to. The key to unlocking an extraordinary life has nothing to do with outside people or events, though – it’s inside of you.

So, how do you change your state of mind, even when you’re dealing with immense stress? The secret is in moving your body. Emotion is created by motion. In other words, emotions are linked to movement in our bodies. Observe your posture when you are happy, as opposed to when you are sad — or what you look like when you are angry, versus when you are elated.

There’s a difference, right? Your body language sends signals to your brain, and the rest of the world, about how you’re feeling and operating. It is not only in your physical appearance but also in your brain. If you have a poor posture, it only lends itself to poor emotions, or a negative state. Good posture and alertness produce a more positive state.

We all get in negative psychological and emotional states at times, but when you find yourself in that place, change your body and get in state. To change your state of mind, you can do something as simple as adjusting your posture. You can make eye contact with the people around you. You can smile, just to trick your mind into thinking you’re feeling better than you actually are. Eventually, your emotions and mindset will follow suit.

True freedom comes when you accept every moment for what it is instead of trying to control everything and make it adhere to your expectations. Expectations are dangerous for just that reason: if they’re not met, your state of mind deteriorates and you take it out on yourself or others. When you take responsibility for the way your lifestyle, feelings and actions, you have true freedom. When you understand that freedom is a state of mind and that the secret to achieving it is adopting an abundance mindset, you can create a breakthrough in any part of your life.
 Mindfulness Grounding Technique

Mindfulness is paying close attention to the environment around you using all 5 senses to bring yourself back to the present moment.
Practise the Mindfulness Grounding Technique called 54321.
Sit and slowly relax your body and become aware of:

5 things that you can see.

4 things you can touch.

3 things you can hear

2 things you can smell

Take 1 long slow breath bringing yourself back into the present moment completely aware of your surroundings and where you are.
 Positive Affirmations
I am safe
I am calm
I am peaceful
I am relaxed
I am confident
I am good enough
I live the life I desire
I can do this
I achieve my goals and dreams easily and effortlessly
I love and approve of myself
I am amazing
I easily obtain a job in the field that I desire
I have many skills to offer
I am teachable
I am honest and hard working
I easily learn new skills
I impress any potential employer
I have the confidence to put myself out there
I easily approach businesses in the industry I am interested in
I am a super star in interviews
The answers to questions come to me easily and effortlessly
Life supports me
I easily get back up when I get knocked down
I am grateful for all the opportunities that come my way
I easily earn money and support the lifestyle I deserve
I am worthy
I deserve a good life
I overcome any challenges that come my way

Question Title

* 1. Identifying and changing your focus
When you experienced interview nerves what were you focusing on at that time
(Eg. I’m not good enough, I won’t get this job, I haven’t got the experience needed, people won’t like me)

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* 2. If you were totally fearless and confident, what type of thoughts would you have?
(Eg. I’m good enough, I’ve got this, I can do this, I am amazing, they will hire me for this job)

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* 3. Identifying and changing your Physiology:
Can you remember a time when you felt anxiety?
How were you using your body at that time?
(Eg What was your posture like, your breathing, your speech, your facial expression, how were you holding your body)

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* 4. How would you stand or use your body if you felt totally confident?
Can you remember a time when you felt totally confident?
(Eg What was your posture like, your breathing, your speech, your facial expression, how were you holding your body)

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* 5. Identify your confidence stance and give it a name! (Eg. Superman, Wonder woman, Warrior Stance, Mr/Mrs Confident – something you can relate to in being in a confident state)

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* 6. When you think about a time you experienced interview nerves what words were you using?
(Eg. I’m feeling worried, I’m feeling stressed, I can’t do this)

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* 7. The language that we use is powerful in changing our emotional state.
Write down as many positive affirmations that you can think of to help you get into a confident empowered state. A positive affirmation is a statement about what you want said in the present tense, as though you have already achieved it. There are many samples on the following page that might be helpful in forming your own affirmations for your Confident empowered state.

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* 8. Movement and Music
Movement is very important in changing your emotional state
Write a list of 5 different types of movement that you could do to change your state.

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* 9. Music is very important in changing your emotional state
Write a list of 5 empowering songs that help you get into a confident empowered state.

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* 10. Student Details