Dayspring Family Church "Phase 2 Multi-Purpose Center"

1.What services would you like to see your church able to do?
2.What do you look forward to most about being a member of Dayspring Family Church?
3.How do you think we can create more excitement about what's happening here at Dayspring?
4.I would like to see programs that are fun and engaging for all ages, genders, and ethnicity.
5.I have a good understanding of the "Phase 2 Multi-Purpose Center"
6.Do you have or know someone who may have skills that would be beneficial in the building project? If yes, please contact the church office.
7.Are you willing to volunteer on this project? If, yes please select the area you wish to volunteer?
8.If you answered yes to volunteering, please provide your name and number.
9.Will you pray about joining your church in a financial commitment to the project?