Exit Survey Overview and Instructions

Human Resource records show that your job status has changed either due to leaving employment with Albemarle County or a change in positions. We ask that you take 5 minutes to respond to this survey. It gives you the opportunity to share your opinions and ideas about aspects of your last job with Albemarle County. We are very interested to hear what our employees have to say! If you would like to share specific concerns, please contact your Human Resources Consultant, peopleops@albemarle.org

Employees of Partner Agencies (ACRJ, BRJD, Constitutional Officers, etc.) and Elected/Appointed Officials, please speak directly with your supervisor/clerk with any concerns.

Please answer the questions with the position you LEFT in mind. If you were a DUAL JOB employee and left both positions at the same time, please submit a survey for EACH job.

Notice of Disclosure

While your responses will be grouped with others and names are not listed with individual responses in reports, please understand and be mindful that your feedback will be used to constructively improve the organization.

Question Title

* 1. How effectively did you feel your skills were put to use here?

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* 2. How easy was it to get the resources you needed to do your job well at Albemarle County?

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* 3. How well were you paid for the work you did at Albemarle County?

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* 4. Overall, how fairly were you treated?

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* 5. How often did you feel your contributions were recognized?

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* 6. How clear were the expectations that were set for you?

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* 7. How comfortable did you feel voicing your opinions?

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* 8. How well did your supervisor treat you?

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* 9. Was your employer's benefits package better or worse than those of other employers?

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* 10. How safe did you feel at your workplace?

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* 11. Overall, how much did you like working here?

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* 12. What are your reasons for leaving Albemarle County?

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* 13. What actions can Albemarle County take to build a better workplace?

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* 14. Do you have any other comments, questions, or concerns?