Call for Contributions - Application Form

Proposals can be submitted for the following sessions:

  • Case study: Present a practice, service model, project or new idea that the audience can learn from and stimulate discussion. Max. 20 minutes presentation of a case followed by Q&A and interactive discussion (Total time: 60 minutes)
  • Training Workshop: Interactive educational session designed to create a specialised result, for example a guidance or learning that participants can use afterwards. Max. 20 minutes presentation followed by interactive discussion including some elements of training and/or group work with participants. (Total time: 60 minutes)
  • Thematic Panel Discussions: Be one of 2-4 panellists giving max. a 15-20 minute presentation followed by Q&A and discussion (Total time 60-90 minutes)
  • Project Forum: Series of quick-fire 5-minute ‘Elevator Pitch’ style project presentations to all delegates.
  • Practice Fair: Present your project (e.g. tool, research or practice) at your stand in a specially designated exhibition space and directly engage with all participants.

Maximum two contributions can be submitted per organisation. They must be submitted separately. If you submit more than one proposal, please send each proposal for a different type of session.


  • 12 November 2024 for proposals submitted in French, Spanish, German, Italian
  • 19 November 2024 for proposals submitted in English
Confirmation of acceptance or rejections will be sent by 14 February 2024.

Please read the call for contributions document before completing this form.

Please, keep in mind that for:
  • Thematic Panel Discussion, Project Forum, Practice Fair, selected organisations to contribute to the ESSC programme must register one presenter and at least one additional delegate, each paying the full delegate fee for the conference
  • Interactive Sessions: Workshop and Case Study, selected organisations to contribute to the ESSC programme must register at least two presenters paying the full delegate fee for the conference.

Selection criteria: Please refer to the call for contributions.

Find here a Word version of the application form only for internal coordination of your proposal. Please note that only submissions via the online form will be accepted.

Question Title

* 1. Main Contact Point (Our point of contact for information and communications about your contribution):

Question Title

* 2. Type of organisation

Question Title

* 3. Is your organisation an ESN member?

Question Title

* 5. Please name any other organisations involved in submitting this contribution proposal?

Question Title

* 6. Presenter 1 (This will be the lead presenter at the ESSC)

Question Title

* 7. Presenter 2 (only for workshop or case study)

Question Title

* 8. Links to Website(s) and Online Materials about the Project and Organisations Involved in the Project


Question Title

* 9. Title of Contribution (Title should be no longer than 10 words)

Question Title

* 10. What social or organisational issue(s) does your project address?

**The purpose of this question is to provide the judges context for the remainder of the application. The answer to the question is not scored, but make sure sufficient background information is provided for the remainder of your application to make sense**

Question Title

* 11. Practical Information

Question Title

* 12. Population group

Question Title

* 13. Status of the project


Question Title

* 14. Below are the two options to apply to be part of the ESSC programme:

1. Submit the application under one of the two umbrella themes - relational welfare or welfare technology, demonstrating that it fits within at least one of the subthemes of that umbrella theme.

2. Alternatively, be able to demonstrate that your programme includes and combines elements of the two umbrella themes - relational welfare approaches and welfare technology.

Remember to please read the Call for Contributions Document carefully for a full description of the thematic areas and sub themes, as well as to see relevant examples for each element.

Please select under which conference umbrella theme(s) you are submitting your project:

Question Title

* 15. Please select which conference sub-theme your contribution most relates most to:

If you have chosen to submit your proposal under one of the umbrella themes, then please only select one main subtheme.

If you have chosen to submit your proposal under a combination of the two umbrella themes, then please select one subtheme per umbrella theme.

  1. Relational Welfare 2. Technology in Social Services
1.1 Integrated and Holistic Support
1.2 Empowerment and Participation
1.3 Professional Development
2.1 Welfare Technology
2.2 Digital Platform and Tools
2.3 Data Analytics
2.4 Legal and Ethical Standards
2.5 Professional Development

Question Title

* 16. Please select if your contribution relates to any other of the conference sub-themes:

  1. Relational Welfare 2. Technology in Social Services
1.1 Integrated and Holistic Support
1.2 Empowerment and Participation
1.3 Professional Development
2.1 Welfare Technology
2.2 Digital Platform and Tools
2.3 Data Analytics
2.4 Legal and Ethical Standards
2.5 Professional Development

Question Title

* 17. I would like to submit a contribution for the following session:

If you choose the Case Study or Workshop options, you will be redirected to answer additional questions after completing this page

If you choose the Thematic Panel Discussion, Project Forum or Practice Fair options, you will be redirected to the Declaration Page after completing the questions on this page

Question Title

* 18. How does your project relate to the selected ESSC theme(s) and selected sub-theme(s) and why? (max. 350 words)

Question Title

* 19. How are persons with lived experience, carers, and the community engaged in your project? (max. 200 words)

Question Title

* 20. Has the project been evaluated? If so, what tools or processes were used?*

Question Title

* 21. How is your project innovative for your context/environment? (max. 200 words)

Question Title

* 22. What impact has been measured? (max. 500 words)

Please provide concrete evidence in the form of qualitative and/or quantitative data. You may also make reference to indicators used to evaluate the project.

Question Title

* 23. Please upload any supporting documents (maximum 3)

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG file types only.
Choose File

Question Title

* 24. Please upload any supporting documents (maximum 3)

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG file types only.
Choose File

Question Title

* 25. Please upload any supporting documents (maximum 3)

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG file types only.
Choose File
If you chose the Case Study or Workshop options, you will be redirected to answer additional questions when you click next.

If you chose the Thematic Panel Discussion, Project Forum or Practice Fair options, you will be redirected to the Declaration Page when you click next.