Prostate cancer awareness campaign 2024

The purpose of this survey is to learn about your experience with the Prostate Cancer Risk in Black Community Campaign.

Data collected from respondents will be kept confidential. Your participation is completely voluntary. If you decide not to complete the survey, your relationship with CCS will not be affected.

1.Rate the Prostate Cancer Risk in Black Community Campaign using the following statements:
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
Don’t know
Not applicable
The information is relevant to me
The information is easy to understand
I learned a lot about the increased risk of prostate cancer in Black men (including men of African or Caribbean ancestry)
My interest in learning more about prostate cancer and early detection has increased
I intend to continue to explore the Canadian Cancer Society’s website to learn more about prostate cancer
I intend to talk to my healthcare team about my risk of prostate cancer
I intend to talk to my family member or friend, who may be at higher risk of prostate cancer because of their ethnicity or family history, about their risk and how they can take action for their health
I intend to talk to my provider about if the PSA test is right for me
I intend to explore Black community support organizations or groups who focus on prostate cancer
I intend to refer my family member or friend to Black community support organizations or groups who focus on prostate cancer
2.The purpose of this campaign is to raise awareness among the Black community about the risk of prostate cancer. If you are a member of the Black community, which of the following best describes your gender identity.
3.What is your age?
4.How did you hear out about the Prostate Cancer Risk in Black Community Campaign? (select all that apply)
5.Please provide any final comments about the Prostate Cancer Risk in Black Community Campaign.
6.Sign up to complete a follow-up survey by including your email.

Your personal information is being collected for the purpose of inviting you to take part in a follow-up survey in 2 months. This survey will give you the opportunity to share what you have learnt about prostate cancer and help to improve future awareness campaigns. All data collected will be used in a form that will make it impossible to determine the identity of individual respondents.

I agree to be contacted by the Canadian Cancer Society to participate in a future similar survey about my experience with the Prostate Cancer Risk in Black Community Campaign and its long-term impact on my knowledge about prostate cancer and engagement in early detection.

7.Privacy Disclosure
We collect your personal information through forms, by phone or in person to manage your participation in the program, inform you about other services and contact you to provide updates about our impact and ways to support us or give. We may also use your information for program evaluation and quality assurance. We may share your personal information with third parties including service providers, consultants and advisors outside your province or territory or outside of Canada only to carry out the purposes identified above, or as required by law. We may contact you by mail, email, phone or text. You can exercise your right to access your information or have it corrected, unsubscribe from communications or withdraw your consent by calling 1-888-939-3333 or emailing For more information about our privacy practices, visit

I consent:
Current Progress,
0 of 7 answered