Wealth Advisor Confidence Survey 2019

The Financial Awareness Foundation has teamed up with CPA Trendlines, HB Publishing & Marketing Company, LLC and other financial associations to gauge the sentiment of independent financial planning and wealth advisory firms after the first two years of the Trump Presidency. 

We sincerely appreciate your participation in this confidential survey. Your results will arrive within 2 weeks of completing this survey. Rest assured that your responses will be kept in strictest confidence and final results will be published on an anonymous aggregate basis only.

Thanks again for your participation. Later in 2019, findings will be  presented at the Accounting & Finance Show-NYC and in various national financial media outlets.

Question Title

* 1. To what extent do you believe there will be a FURTHER stock market correction (at least 10% decline) within the next 12 months?

Question Title

* 2. To what extent do you believe the economy will experience a recession (at least 2 consecutive quarters of negative GDP) within the next 12 months?

Question Title

* 3. The Spectrum Millionaire Confidence Index continues to fall to levels not seen since the dot-com meltdown of 2000. Which of the following factors do you think contributed? (list all that apply)

Question Title

* 4. Which demographic group below do you find is most pessimistic about its financial future? (select single best answer)

Question Title

* 5. Regarding your answer to the question above, do you find any gender differences?

Question Title

* 6. Over the past two years, to what extent has America's financial awareness and financial literacy changed? (select only one answer)

Question Title

* 7. Which of the following could make the biggest positive impact on America's financial awareness and financial literacy over the next decade? 
(Select only one response)

Question Title

* 8. When you first met your clients/prospects, what percentage were struggling with the following challenges:

  Very few One third or less Roughly half Approximately two-thirds Most if not all
Knew how much money they spent every month
Had run their numbers for accumulating an appropriate retirement nest egg
Had a clearly defined investment policy statement and asset allocation plan
Had a current estate and gift plan in place
Had accumulated a family debt for college education exceeding $30,000
Were in danger of outliving their money in retirement

Question Title

* 9. If Americans could no longer tap their home equity to help pay for tuition, how much would colleges continue to hike tuition every year? (Select only one)

Question Title

* 10. Why are so many Americans hesitant to obtain (and keep current) a financial, estate and gift plan? (select all that apply)

Question Title

* 11. Please describe the extent to which you expect your firm to grow (or  decline) over the next 12 months

Question Title

* 12. Please describe the extent to which you expect peer firms of comparable size and client makeup to grow (or decline) over the next 12 months (select best single answer):

Question Title

* 13. To what extent are the following communication channels effective for enhancing your status as a thought leader?
(please select best answer for each row)

  Extremely effective Very effective Somewhat effective NOT Very effective N/A
Producing videos
Writing books/eBooks
Being quoted in the press
Posting articles/updates on LinkedIn
Hosting webinars
Tweeting (i.e. Twitter)
Hosting client events
Posting on Facebook
Posting on Instagram, Pinterest or Snapchat
Public speaking/presentations
Writing articles for publication

Question Title

* 14. On average, how often would you say you contact your clients every month? (select single best answer)

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* 15. Which of the following best describes the size of your firm, practice or business? (select single best answer)

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* 16. Which of the following best describes your business or profession? (select single best answer)

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* 17. Which of the following do you consider core offerings for your firm or practice? (select up to 6 of your top services)

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* 18. Which of the following best describes your age? (select best answer)

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* 19. Which of the following best describes your family's financial status growing up? (select single best answer)

Question Title

* 20. Where should we send your free report?