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* 1. Do you own a rural property within Southern Grampians Shire?

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* 2. If you own a rural property what is the land size in your ownership?

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* 3. What is the primary (dominant) type of farming practice do you do on the land?

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* 4. Which of the following describes your current situation?

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* 5. Does the draft Rural Land Use Strategy accurately identify the characteristics, issues, and opportunities for rural land in your area? If not, what should be added?

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* 6. What do you consider to be the most important issue facing rural land within Southern Grampians?

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* 7. In 5 years from now, do you see yourself on the farm?

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* 8. What critical infrastructure do you need improved/enhanced to run your farm effectively? (number 1-3)

  1. Water
  2. Logistics (road, rail, refrigeration)
  3. Digital

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* 9. Please list any additional critical infrastructure required to run your farm not listed above

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* 10. Do you have any plans to expand the current farming practice?

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* 11. In your time of operating on your farm, have you experienced neighbour complaints?

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* 12. If you were to prioritise emerging issues and opportunities for farmers what is the most important (number 1-5)

  1. Climate change mitigation and adaptation – hotter weather, greater rainfall variability, increased fire risk etc.
  2. Lack of support infrastructure for farmers (see Q8 for examples)
  3. Carbon farming and/or financial benefits (tax recognition) of biodiversity custodianship
  4. Enhanced planning and regulatory systems linked to water access
  5. Access to staff/workers

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* 13. Please list any other emerging issues and opportunities for farmers that were not listed in the previous question

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* 14. Would you like to be kept informed via email about the Rural Land and Activities Review Project?

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* 15. Contact Details

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