Welcome fellow members of Alcoholics Anonymous in Western New York (Area 50)!
As a member of AA in Area 50 you are invited to participate in this questionnaire to help carry Area 50's conscience to the General Service Conference in April, 2024.

If you are unfamiliar with this process, here are some suggestions:
  • Reach out to your Groups GSR (General Service Representative).
  • Ask your Sponsor or Service Sponsor.
  • Watch this short video by our friends in Area 11 (Connecticut) that explains the General Process.
The following survey comprises 12 of the 83 final agenda items that will be discussed at the General Service Conference April 14th-20th.
The background and any related materials (pamphlets, video's, etc.) are included for each agenda item. All of the agenda items are optional, so feel free to skip any you're unfamiliar with.

When completing the survey please remember that the reason(s) behind your decision are often more important than "yes" or "no", "for" or "against", the goal of this survey is to get our Area's informed group conscience from as many points and perspectives as possible.

“What does the Delegate need to know?” Not all topics make for fruitful discussion at group level, and this is intended to help you narrow that down. Many of the agenda topics are only for that specific committee (such as reviewing a draft or progress report on the development of a piece of literature) and do not require a group conscience, but they still may be of great interest to read and share. Other topics appear every year, such as reviewing workbooks and kits used by Public Information, Corrections, etc. Local committees may wish to share their experience. These summaries may also be used by other members of our Fellowship to communicate valuable information about the agenda topics and, where appropriate, to convey opinions to the Delegate. The questions in this section, if any, are intended to be a guide, not a limit, for your sharing sessions. Feel free to interpret them broadly.

All the Agenda Item Background information can be found on the Area50wny.org website, under the Delegates page password protected files. If you need the password, please email the Delegate (contact information listed below). The background information specific to each item on the questionnaire is linked to each item.

If you have any questions, please contact our Area Delegate, Steve J at P74delegate@area50wny.org.

Question Title

* 1. Who are you submitting feedback for?

Question Title

* 2. II.-Cooperation with the Professional Community:

Item E. Consider a request to develop a pamphlet for the unhoused Alcoholic in A.A.


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* 3. III. Corrections:

Item A: Consider updated Singleness of Purpose text to replace the existing paragraph in the pamphlet "A Message to Correction Professionals."


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* 4. III. Corrections:

Item D. Consider a request to develop a pamphlet on the transgender alcoholic in A.A.


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* 5. IV. Finance

Item A: Consider a request that the General Service Board Develop supplemental reporting focused on the actual and evolving costs of various services provided by the GSB.


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* 6. V. Grapevine/ La Vina

Item B: Consider the list of suggested Grapevine book topics for 2025 or after.


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* 7. V. Grapevine La Vina

Item E: Consider a request to develop a pamphlet on the Asian and Asian American alcoholics in A.A.


Question Title

* 8. VI. Literature

Item K: Consider a request that the words "Donation" and "Contribution" be swapped under Warranty One in the "Twelve Concepts Illustrated" pamphlet.


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* 9. VII. Policy/Admissions

Item E: Discuss revising procedures for electing the Delegate Chairperson, Conference Committee Chairperson and their alternates.


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* 10. VIII. Public Information

Item A: Review the 2024 Public Information Comprehensive Media Plan.


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* 11. VIII. Public Information

Item K: Consider revised proposal to develop an AAWS Instagram account.


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* 12. IX. Report and Charter

Item C: Discuss the reporting of Simple Majority Items.


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* 13. X. Treatment Accessibilities

Item D: Review progress report on update to the pamphlet "Bridging the Gap."
