Report Card - Part I
Fill in the requested information. This portion of the assessment captures information specific to your facility. Please be as detailed as necessary to provide a solid overview of your facility and any environmental challenges you manage. STMA will provide your answers back to you in a PDF within two weeks with instructions on engaging your attester.

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* 1. General Facility & Resource Information

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* 2. What type of facility are you applying for?

  Yes No
Are you applying for a Complex?
(Sports fields that are contained by fencing or a perimeter boundary, with the fields contained within that space)
Or, are you applying for a single field certification?

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* 3. Where is the facility/field located?

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* 4. Is this (select one):

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* 5. What is the original construction date of the facility/field? (Year)

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* 6. Provide a brief history and description of the site. Include information about any major renovations or major changes over the years.

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* 7. Complex and/or field acreage information:

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* 8. Do you manage any trails?

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* 9. How many HOURS per YEAR are your fields in use for its primary activities?

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* 10. What are those primary activities?

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* 11. What other activities/events are the fields used for, i.e. graduation, concerts?

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* 12. How many HOURS per YEAR are the fields used for these activities?

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* 13. Describe any environmental factors, such as streams, ponds, rivers, wildlife habitats, endangered species, that you need to be attentive to in managing your fields.

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* 14. Do you have any state or local mandates on fertilizer, pesticides, herbicides, noise, lighting, etc.

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* 15. Are there any local environmental groups that affect your work on your fields?

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* 16. List your application rates for ATHLETIC FIELDS PER YEAR:

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* 17. List your application rates for OTHER areas within the perimeter PER YEAR:

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* 18. If you have restrictions on the application of any of the above, please note:

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* 19. List your application rates for pesticides PER YEAR:

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* 20. Tell us about your management resources.
Would you consider your facility to be:

  Yes No
Managed with a limited staff?
Supported by upper management?
Confined by limited space or topography?
Low budget?

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* 21. Please provide your attester’s information: