Community Survey

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* 1. Do you feel the Prevention Council is welcoming, non-judgmental and provides a safe environment for participants?

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* 2. Are you aware of all of the programs and support services offered by the Prevention Council?

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* 3. Do you know how to contact the Prevention Council to schedule a training or schedule a parenting education course?

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* 4. Would you join a zoom support group?

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* 5. Do you feel there are barriers hindering zoom opportunities

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* 6. Would you be interested in joining a playgroup in Hancock County?

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* 7. Are you aware of the concrete supports the Prevention Council offers? Diapers, wipes, formula, baby clothing?

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* 8. Do you feel our programs and support services address the needs in the community to minimize the likelihood of child abuse and neglect?

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* 9. Do you feel the Prevention Council provides enough parent education opportunities?

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* 10. Have you referred clients or families to the Prevention Council?