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Skype VS In-Person Interviews for Residency

Who is conducting the study and what is the purpose of the research?

Dr. Ali Seifi, MD, Director of Neuro Critical Care at UT Health San Antonio is conducting a research study as the Principal Investigator (PI). The research study aims to investigate whether Skype can act as a reasonable and effective alternative to in-person interviews for residency. 


Who is asked to participate

We are looking for approximately 500 medical students, 200 residents, and 50 faculty members currently involved in a medical academic program in the USA to participate in the research.


Do you have to be in this study?

Participation in voluntary.



As part of the research project, you are asked to complete a short (5-10 minute), anonymous survey regarding your thoughts on Skype as an alternative to in-person residency interviews.


Risks and Benefits

There are no risks associated with your participation in this study, as the surveys are anonymous. The researchers are using publicly available methods to recruit for this study; including social media and contacting Program Directors of residency programs across the country so that the survey may be disseminated throughout institutions across the USA. For these reasons, it is even more difficult for the researchers to identify the participants in the study.


You will not benefit directly from your participation in this research study, but the researchers hope that information gained from this study may help residency programs evaluate the pros and cons of in-person and/or Skype interviews for residency in the future.



No identifiable information will be collected and all answers and opinions will remain anonymous. Data collected will be only be viewable to the research conductors. Your input is greatly appreciated to assess the viability of using Skype as a more widespread residency interview tool.


Costs and Compensation

There is no cost to answer the survey, nor will you be paid for your participation.


Contact Information

Dr. Ali Seifi, MD


The University of Texas Health Science Center committee that reviews research on human subjects (Institutional Review Board) will answer any questions about your rights as a research subject, and take any comments or complaints you may wish to offer.  You can contact the IRB by calling 210-567-8250, or by mail to IRB, UTHSCSA, Mail Code 7830, 7703 Floyd Curl Drive, San Antonio, TX  78229-3900.


If you proceed to complete the survey on the next page, you are providing consent to participate in the research. If you do not wish to participate, do not proceed to the next page.


You may print and keep a copy of this page for your records.

Question Title

* 1. Are you currently a medical student?

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* 2. What is your age?

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* 3. What is your gender?

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* 4. What is your race or origin?

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* 5. What medical school do you attend?

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* 6. The remainder of the survey questions are regarding future residency interviews.

It is important that you visit the location (building, city, etc) of the residency program you are interviewing for.

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* 7. Having a residency interview over Skype would make you seem as much of a serious or dedicated applicant as someone who went to their interview in person.

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* 8. It is really important for you to meet the residents and staff of your residency program.

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* 9. I think having a residency interview over Skype would affect the personal connection to your interviewer compared to someone who went in person.

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* 10. I think an interview over Skype is less stressful than an interview in person.

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* 11. I am concerned about / will have difficulty affording all the travel needed for residency interviews.

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* 12. I am concerned about the time that I have to be away from school during the in-person residency interviews.

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* 13. I believe I can be in my goal residency position even by doing a Skype interview.

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* 14. At what distance would you begin to consider having your residency interview done over Skype?

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* 15. Approximately, how much do you think you will spend during your residency interview season?

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* 16. If I have to participate in a residency interview over Skype, I would be worried about computer technical difficulties.

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* 17. If I had a Skype interview, I think it should be done in a special facility rather than from my phone or from my computer at home.

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* 18. I think programs should offer both options of interviewing in-person and over Skype.

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* 19. Which of the following residencies do you think an interview would be OK done over Skype: (Select all that apply)

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* 20. What residency do you plan to go into? (you can select multiple options)

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* 21. Overall, would you consider a Skype interview for your residency or your future job?

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