What were your legal needs in 2024? Use this quick survey to tell SLLS about legal needs in the community this year. 10.2024

SLLS wants to know about the biggest legal issues for low-income people.

This survey is to give SLLS the big picture about legal issues facing low-income people.
Please do not use this survey to ask for legal help. Go to slls.org to learn about getting free legal help.
This survey lets you answer any question or all questions. It is up to decide which questions you want to answer.
1.What are your biggest legal issues? You can pick more than one answer. These are civil (not criminal) issues.
2.Now, pick only your top issue right now. The form lets you pick only one answer for this question.
3.What kind of legal help do you want and need most to tackle a legal issue or problem? Pick one.
4.Is your household income under the limit the U.S. government sets for free legal help for civil issues?
In Louisiana the 2024 limit is $18,225 a year for one person or $39,000 year for a household of four.
There are exceptions to these rules.
Please pick "Yes," "No," "Maybe," or "I don't know."
5.How do you do things online? Pick all that apply.
Let us know if you mainly use the Internet from a phone, a tablet, or a computer, and if you need to go somewhere with free WiFi.
6.Also -- for Louisiana people -- what parish do you live in?
Pick the name of your parish from the dropdown list.
7.SLLS tries to get input from across the community.
If you want to, pick one or more of the items below that apply to you.
Current Progress,
0 of 7 answered