Engaging Community Media in Rural Development |
Mapping Community Media
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the World Association of Community Broadcasters (AMARC) have agreed to join efforts to promote Communication for rural development (ComDev) and Community Media as an integral part of agricultural and rural development. Since 2008, several field projects, regional initiatives and community media have benefitted from this collaboration. In particular, AMARC launched with the support of FAO three ComDev regional platforms: Onda Rural in Latin America, Yenkasa Africa Sub-Saharan Africa, and ComDev Asia in Asia.
This survey will help AMARC, in partnership with FAO, to map the work of its affiliates, community media networks, communication practitioners, engaged in communication for rural development. This will help in identifying potential areas for improvement of the engagement of community media in sustainable rural development that will be discussed at the upcoming AMARC 11 conference in Accra, Ghana, in August 2015.
This survey will help AMARC, in partnership with FAO, to map the work of its affiliates, community media networks, communication practitioners, engaged in communication for rural development. This will help in identifying potential areas for improvement of the engagement of community media in sustainable rural development that will be discussed at the upcoming AMARC 11 conference in Accra, Ghana, in August 2015.
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