My Tiny Style

From simple cubes, to lavish luxury, we can help match you with the ideal tiny, micro or small home! 

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* 1. How many people will reside in your home?

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* 2. How do you plan to live in your tiny house?

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* 3. How often do you plan to move your tiny home?

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* 4. Please select the State(s) in which you would like to reside

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* 5. How involved would you like to be on the build of your home?

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* 6. How would you describe your tiny house season of life?

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* 7. Do you have a budget in mind for your tiny house?  This should not include land to site your home.

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* 8. I will be looking for financing for...

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* 9. Other items I envision for my Tiny Home

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* 10. We will get more into land choices later, but let's go over how you intend to experience your tiny home

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* 11. Anything else you would like us to know?

Now that we know how you want to live, lets look at where you want to live.

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* 12. If you have a specific idea of the size and location of the land you would like to live on, describe it here.  Otherwise, click through the questions below and we will help define some options.

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* 13. How much space would you like?

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* 14. What are the top three landmarks that you would like to be located near? (Name of city, roadway, beach, mountain range, etc.)

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* 15. What type of ownership/lease situation are you open to?

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* 16. Do you have a budget for your land purchase

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* 17. What type of financing will you be considering for your land purchase?

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* 18. Will you need assistance with permitting your tiny home?

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* 19. Would you like us to connect you with tiny home builders/manufacturers?

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* 20. Full Name: 

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* 21. Email address:

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* 22. Phone: