Hi there,

Thank you so much for taking the time to reach out and fill in the form below. At Oh So Heavenly, our core focus is to consistently provide high quality products. It has come to our attention that the printed artwork on our Tulip Daze Water Bottle may start to come off during washing. Please note that the issue does not impact the safety of the product and is purely mechanical. Our team is aware of this and is currently investigating the issue further.

In order for us test and feedback on the issue experienced, please fill in the required information below so that we are able to uplift your Tulip Daze Water Bottle for testing.

Question Title

* 1. Please let us know which Clicks store you purchased your product from?

Question Title

* 2. Please provide a clear image of the product to show the issue experienced?

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
Choose File

Question Title

* 3. Please could we ask to collect your item in order for us to test the product to ensure we can resolve the issue experience? This will be solely at our cost.

In order for us to arrange a collection, please may you provide us with the below information in order for us to make a day time collection:

Question Title

* 4. Personal Details:

Once again, our apologies for the inconvenience caused and frustration you may have felt as a result of this. We hope to turn this negative experience into a positive one and continue to grow your relationship with and trust in our brand.