Please enter the following information for every sugary drink educational workshop, presentation, or outreach your organization has implemented since July 1, 2016

Question Title

* 1. What organization are you with?

Question Title

* 2. What is your name?

Question Title

* 3. What is your email address?

Question Title

* 4. Date of the event?


Question Title

* 5. Name and Location of Workshop/Presentation/Outreach

Question Title

* 6. Type of Event

Question Title

* 7. Total number of participants/Persons reached

Question Title

* 8. Did any members of the following groups participate? (select all that apply)

Question Title

* 9. For this specific activity, we want to understand if or how Shape UP SF contributed to making it happen:

  Agree Disagree
This activity would not have happened if SUSF hadn't prioritized reducing consumption of sugary drinks and increasing water consumption.
This activity would not have happened without funding, TA, or other support/encouragement from SUSF.

Question Title

* 10. Additional Comments