The Linn Jt. 6 School District (Reek Elementary School) invites you to share your ideas by taking this survey. It is important to our School Board that they offer residents opportunities to voice their thoughts about how our District can best serve our students and community.

Question Title

* 1. The District is delivering a high-quality education.

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* 2. The District keeps the public informed.

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* 3. The District manages funds appropriately.

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* 4. The District builds a sense of pride in the community.

Question Title

* 5. On a scale of 0 (extremely unlikely) to 10 (extremely likely), how likely would you be to recommend Reek Elementary School to a friend or family member?

0 10
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 6. If you'd like to explain why you gave us these ratings, please do so here:

Question Title

* 7. Perhaps you have seen that many districts across the State are facing funding challenges. Reek is no different as we face financial shortages. Wisconsin School Districts operate under a revenue cap. That means that, unlike a business, we do not have the ability to raise funds even as our costs increase. The Board has taken several actions to address these rising costs however, even with these cost-reducing measures, we are still facing budget shortfalls.

While questions later in this survey explore potential facility investments, District leadership and the School Board have determined that securing funding to maintain and improve current programing, services, teacher compensation & healthcare, and technology are the most pressing needs.

Given this situation, would you support a $320,000 operational referendum to pay for teacher compensation, transportation costs, maintenance, and materials?

Question Title

* 8. Comments/questions/suggestions:

Question Title

* 9. Over the past 12 years, the District has been able to utilize various funding sources, including savings, to pay for building maintenance and upgrades. This meant we did not have to take on debt for this work. The cost to address our need is too expensive to be paid for with these sources. Instead, we are asking resident voters to consider approving a capital (facilities) referendum. This type of referendum allows the district to borrow money (issue a bond) for 20 years.

Given this situation, would you support a $4.1 million capital (facilities) referendum to pay for a cafeteria, music room, interior maintenance of elementary wing, and additional updates including security and safety upgrades? The forecasted Mill Rate per $1,000 is $0.00 to $0.10 which equates to $0-$10 per $100,000 of Fair Market Property Value. For example, if your property is worth $500,000 it would increase your taxes $0-$50.

Question Title

* 10. If you would not support the facilities referendum, what are the main reasons?

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* 11. Is there any other information you would need before making a decision?

Additional Projects
The Board and Administration has also identified approximately $1.5 million in additional projects with the current plan to fundraise for over the next few years to address each. These could be completed now or as a future project.

Please use this scale when responding to the following items in terms of support for each project.
High: Address immediately in this referendum (will add additional cost to the referendum)
Medium: Important but address in a future project
Low: Not a priority right now

Question Title

* 12. New Bleachers
The bleachers are becoming harder to collapse and extend due to wear and tear and exceeding their life expectancy.

Question Title

* 13. Additional Parking
The addition of parking stalls for events and enhanced student safety.

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* 14. New Student Desks
Many of current desks are old and were purchased at auction to reduce costs. They are not current with today's modern learning environment and are becoming harder to repair.

Question Title

* 15. Library Updates
Renovation of the library to a more collaborative student learning environment to include modern technology and furniture.

Question Title

* 16. Maker Space/STEAM Lab
Provide programming and space for science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics for our elementary students.

Question Title

* 17. Comments/questions/suggestions:

Question Title

* 18. What is your age?

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* 19. Is your primary residence in Linn Jt. 6 School District (Reek Elementary School)?

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* 20. In which municipality do you live?

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* 21. Are you an employee of Reek Elementary School?

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* 22. Do you have children attending Reek Elementary School?

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* 23. Do you have grandchildren attending Reek Elementary School?

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* 24. How do you like to receive school/district information? Check all that apply.

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* 25. In what ways are you likely willing to support additional fundraising efforts? Check all that might apply.

If you would like someone to contact you about personal donations, corporate sponsorships or fundraising events, please provide your contact information here:

By submitting your information on a separate form, your responses to this community survey will remain anonymous.