A considerable percentage of childhood cancers are due to cancer predisposition syndromes (CPS) and identifying these children with CPS has significant clinical consequences for the patient and their family.

Recent advances in genetics have led to better understanding and early detection of these syndromes and offer the potential for preclinical diagnosis. The challenge faced by most paediatric oncologists is navigating these complexities to identify at-risk children who will benefit from genetic testing and counselling.

The SIOPE Host Genome Working Group (HGWG), officially launched during the 1st SIOP Europe Annual Meeting in Prague, aims to study and broaden the expertise in this field.

More information about the Working Group and its aims can be found here: https://siope.eu/siope-host-genome-working-group/

All SIOPE members are welcome to join the SIOPE Host Genome Working Group by submitting an application.

Procedure for applications: 

- Upload a brief summary of your CV (maximum 3 pages)
- Describe your specific interest in the Working Group (maximum 1 page)
Should you need more information on this process, please do not hesitate to contact Anne Blondeel, anne.blondeel@siope.eu.