Downsview West District

Round 1 Engagement Feedback Form

Thank you for sharing your feedback with us! We encourage you to review the presentation (linked here) and the recording of the virtual community meeting (linked here) before completing this feedback form.
Aerial image of the Downsview West District area
1.What outcomes from the Framework Plan do you think are particularly important to consider for the Downsview West District?

Note: The Framework Plan outcomes are shown in the image below.
Framework Plan Outcomes
2.Are there any other existing physical considerations, either in the District or in the surrounding area, that we should be aware of as the District is developed?

Note: The physical considerations identified by the team are described on slides 19 - 24 in the presentation and include:
- 40 Carl Hall Road;
- significant investments in transit;
- access to Downsview Park;
- Sheppard Avenue edge; and
- an active rail line.
3.How well do you think the structuring moves achieve the outcomes of the Framework Plan?

Are there any other moves that would help us achieve the Framework Plan outcomes for the Downsview West District?

Note: The structuring moves are described on slides 27 - 39 in the presentation and include:
- complete, connected communities;
- connecting people and places;
- cultivating city nature;
- placemaking & placekeeping;
- focus on employment; and
- diverse housing opportunities.
4.How can Canada Lands and the project team create opportunities to meaningfully engage and collaborate with communities?