Introduction & Context

Please use the form below to submit your proposal for The next five years – The unfolding future of work.

Every organization is wrestling with the challenge of adjusting or reworking the “now” to prepare for an uncertain future. We all need to develop scenarios, make forecasts, and put plans in place – but how many of them end up in a folder, electronic or otherwise, waiting for when the managers get around to it?

The aim of The next five years is to get away from that by offering the reader bite sized, actionable insights that will help prepare their organization for the immediate future or, equally likely, the present that they haven’t had time to catch up with. We are seeking to gather insights and ideas from future thinkers and commentators on trends and moves happening right now that could have a meaningful impact on the unfolding future of work.

This call for chapter proposals is an invitation from Fast Future to future thinkers from around the world to submit proposals for chapters that will explore the trends, ideas, and scenarios shaping the workplace and the future of work over the next five.  The idea will be to publish as many perspectives as merit the space – a good 500-word piece will take precedence over something lengthier but with less to say.  We welcome your chapter proposal. Hence you can either submit an outline of the proposed chapter or the full chapter using our online platform. Proposals must be submitted by October 30, 2018.
You can use this form to submit:
  • A thought piece of up to 500 words directly, or
  • A 500-word proposal for a chapter of up to 2,000 words.