TCL&P Electrical Power Outage Feedback Question Title * 1. Please rate your overall level of satisfaction regarding TCL&P’s response to the power outage? Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied Question Title * 2. Did you call in and report the power outage to TCL&P’s 24-hour dispatch center? Yes No Tried, but could not get through Question Title * 3. If yes to question 2, please rate your level of satisfaction regarding your interaction with the dispatcher? Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied Question Title * 4. Did you have any interaction with a TCL&P field crew (example: linemen) during the power outage? Yes No Question Title * 5. If yes to question 4, please rate your level of satisfaction regarding your interaction with the field crew? Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied Question Title * 6. Please provide any additional feedback regarding the power outage that would be beneficial for TCL&P. Question Title * 7. If you would like a TCL&P representative to follow up with you regarding the recent power outage, please provide the following information: Name: Address: Email Address: Phone Number: Done