District J Programs Survey

2.Zip Code(Required.)
3.Email Address(Required.)
4.Do you believe the District J Private Trash Day for curbside pickup of heavy trash and tree waste is an appropriate use of your tax dollars?
5. Please provide any additional feedback in the comment section below.
6.Do you believe the District J Patrol program (districtjpatrol.com) is an appropriate use of your tax dollars?
7. Please provide any additional feedback in the comment section below.
8.Do you believe the District J Jobs initiative (districtjjobs.com) is a useful and beneficial program?
Please note: No tax dollars were spent on the billboard promotion of this initiative.
9. Please provide any additional feedback in the comment section below.
10.Do you believe the District J HOT Team, which addresses illegal dumping, is an appropriate use of your tax dollars?
11. Please provide any additional feedback in the comment section below.
12.Do you believe the District J pet initiatives (Pet Pantry, spay/neuter/microchip, neighborhood sweep) is an appropriate use of your tax dollars?
13. Please provide any additional feedback in the comment section below.