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Week Seven Mentor Survey
How many times did you meet with your mentee this week?
2 or more
How long was your meeting (or, if you met more than once, what was the average length of those meetings)?
Less than 30 minutes
30 to 45 minutes
45 to 60 minutes
More than one hour
How did you meet this week? (check all that apply)
Online video chat (e.g., Zoom, Skype, FaceTime)
Telephone conversation
Text chat (e.g., WhatsApp)
In person
Did you watch the Step 4: Write the Results video from Six Steps to a Publication-Ready Journal Manuscript?
Yes, I watched it prior to our mentoring session
Yes, I watched it with my mentee during our session
Yes, I watched it on my own and with my mentee
No, I have not watched the Step 4: Write the Results video.
The content of the Step 4: Write the Results video assisted me in my role as manuscript mentor:
Strongly agree
Don’t agree or disagree
Strongly disagree
Don’t know (I did not watch the video)
Check the box next to each item you completed during this week’s session(s) with your mentee:
Discussed the Results section and what problems are coming up
Reviewed the flow and logic of the manuscript content thus far. Looked for gaps and did some editing together.
Checked word count and looked to see what section(s) might need to be pared down
Reminded my mentee to review Step 5: Write the Discussion video
Reminded my mentee to draft the Discussion section, including limitations and implications
For each item you did NOT check, please explain below the reasons for not completing that item with your mentee:
As a mentor, I thought the most helpful part of this week’s instructional content was:
Current Progress,
0 of 8 answered