ACCT General Community Survey Question Title * 1. Please tell us what town you live in OK Question Title * 2. How concerned are you about the availability of affordable housing in your community? Not at all concerned Neutral Somewhat concerned Very concerned Not at all concerned Neutral Somewhat concerned Very concerned OK Question Title * 3. What kind of affordable housing opportunities would you like to see more of in Addison County? (Check all that apply.) Rental Apartments Single-family homeownership Condo homeownership Mobile Home Parks Housing with supportive services None Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 4. How much do you feel you (i.e., your household) can comfortably afford to pay each month for housing (including utilities)? $500 or less $501-$750 $751-$1,000 $1,001-$1,250 $1,250-$1,500 More than $1,500 OK Question Title * 5. On average, how much does your household currently pay each month for housing including utilities? $500 or less $501-$750 $751-$1,000 $1,001-$1,250 $1,250-$1,500 More than $1,500 OK Question Title * 6. What is your annual household income? I/We don't have any income $1-$10,000 $10,001-20,000 $20,001-$30,000 $30-0001-$40,000 $40,001-$50,000 $50,0001-$60,000 $60,001-$70,000 $70,001-$80,000 $80,001-$90,000 $90,001-$100,000 More than $100,000 OK Question Title * 7. How many people live in your household? Just me 2 3 4 5 or more OK Question Title * 8. Please use this space to provide any additional information you'd like to share about housing in Addison County, for example things you think ACCT should consider in its strategic plan or other ways we can help. OK DONE