What You Need To Know To Get Started With Exercise

Program Evaluation Form

Please rate your experience during this program titled "What you Need to Know to Get Started with Exercise" Presented by Patrick Service (YOUTRAINFITNESS Personal Training) co Sponsored with The South Regional Library. Please email additional comments (especially any "NO" responses) to service@youtrainfitness.com. Thank You!
1.Was the presenter (Patrick) organized?
2.Was the Patrick knowledgeable of the subject?
3.Did the Patrick communicate effectively?
4.Was this program a good use of your time?
5.Was the information presented quality content?
6.Was the slide presentation clear and easy to follow?
7.Did you have an opportunity for asking questions?
8.What factors made you decide to enroll in this program?
9.Did this program meet your expectations? Why or Why not?
10.A. Would you attend another program facilitated by Patrick? and 10B. would you recommend for someone else to attend this program?