SBTN Expression of Interest

Before filling out this form, please ensure you have reviewed in full the background and criteria for target submission on this page here.

Please also note that given the limited applicability of current SBTN methods to Financial Institutions’ and Service Providers’ direct operations, SBTN will not accept applications from such organizations at this time.

The deadline is July 31st.
1.Point of Contact Name(Required.)
2.Point of Contact email address(Required.)
3.Name of Company / Organisation(Required.)
4.Do you have validated SBTi climate targets?(Required.)
5.FLAG companies only: Do you have, or are you in the process of setting FLAG targets with SBTi?(Required.)
6.Have you completed Steps 1 and 2 of the SBTN methods?(Required.)
7.If yes, are you planning to submit targets for:(Required.)
8.If you have completed Step 1 and 2, does your organisation have material impacts requiring the setting of all Freshwater and Land targets in the methods?(Required.)
9.Does you company have a human rights policy?(Required.)
10.Do you have support from the leadership of your organization to set, validate and achieve science-based targets for nature?(Required.)
11.Do you have internal capacity and/or consulting assistance to set and achieve science-based targets for nature?(Required.)
12.If you are using a consultant, what is the name of their organisation?(Required.)
13.Has you organisation participated in any SBTN pilot? If so, which?(Required.)
14.Has your company started preparing Land or Freshwater targets?(Required.)