FAI - Football Pathway Consultation Digital Survey

The Football Association of Ireland (FAI) have created a consultation process that will support the development of a new strategy called the ‘Football Pathways Plan’ that will drive forwards the technical development of football in Ireland and enhance pathways for all players to achieve their full potential.
The consultation process will take place across May and June and will engage all stakeholders involved in football development in Ireland. The launch of the football pathways consultation and eventual delivery of the new strategy is a key part of the FAI’s overall four-year strategy from 2022-2025 with Nurturing Football Pathways for All one of its key strategic pillars.
As part of the consultation process, you are invited to express your views, which will further inform the development of the new Irish Football Pathways Plan.
This online survey is a very important part of that process. So, we would like to thank you in advance for taking the time to complete this survey.
Time: Approx. 10 mins to complete

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* 1. What area of Irish Football are you currently involved in?

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* 2. What is your current role within Irish Football?

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* 4. Please select your age range

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* 5. Please indicate your gender?

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* 6. How would you rate the current Irish Football system in achieving its full potential?

0 50 100

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* 7. Please explain the rating you gave in Q6?

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* 8. How would you rate the current structures and development opportunities for players in Ireland?

0 50 100

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* 9. Please explain the rating you gave in Q8?

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* 10. What is your vision for Irish Football?

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* 11. What is working well in the current player development structures in Ireland?

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* 12. Where do you see the biggest gaps in the current player development structures in Ireland?

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* 13. How would you define success of the current player development structures in Ireland?

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* 14. Are there any additional comments or observations that you would like considered in the creation of the Football Pathways Plan?

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* 15. What ideas/initiatives would you include for consideration in the Football Pathways Plan?

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* 16. Thank you for taking the time to complete the survey, if you would to be updated throughout the remainder of the Football Pathways Consultation Process please add your e-mail address below.