West Haven Public Schools & West Haven Prevention Council Healthy Habits Forum 2021 PARENT/GUARDIAN Survey

1.What is your gender?(Required.)
2.How do you describe yourself? (Mark all that apply)(Required.)
3.As a result of viewing the four presentations, what do you think you are more likely to do:(Required.)
Strongly Agree
Somewhat Agree
Somewhat Disagree
Strongly Disagree
Speak to my child about underage drinking
Speak to my child about marijuana and substance use
Speak to my child about the various strategies to help rebuild resiliency
Speak to my child about social media use and various strategies to combat its influence
Ensure that alcohol, marijuana products and prescription drugs are not available to anyone underage in my home
Check to see if a parent is present at the homes that my child visits
4.As a result of viewing the four Healthy Habits forum presentations:(Required.)
Strongly Agree
Somewhat Agree
Somewhat Disagree
Strongly Disagree
I understand that underage drinking is dangerous at any level of consumption
I am more aware of the long- and short-term risks of drinking, marijuana and substance use
I am more aware of the physical, emotional and mental health strategies of becoming more resilient
I am more aware of the impact of social media on emotional and mental health
5.Overall, how helpful did you find the presentations?(Required.)
6.What is the most important thing you learned from all of the presentations you have viewed?
7.Do you have any comments regarding the presentations that you would like to share?
8.Is there anything that you would like to see included as a topic for the Healthy Habits forum next year?
9.The West Haven Prevention Council (WHPC) sponsors and coordinates events, educational forums, marketing materials and other activities in the community to promote awareness about underage drinking and substance use.  Prior to this forum, were you aware of the West Haven Prevention Council?
10.Please indicate if you have attended or are aware of the following West Haven Prevention Council activities within the past year:
Attended or participated in
Aware of but did not participate in
Not aware of
WHPC Social Media Sites (Facebook/Twitter/Instagram)
WHPC Youth Coalition/Club
12th Grade Senior Forum/Senior University
WHPC Monthly Coalition Meetings (currently via zoom)
WHPC BIllboards
WHPC displays/information/flyers found in West Haven
WHPC Presentations
Drug Take Back Day
Prescription Drug Drop Box at the West Haven Police Station
Volunteer Opportunities
Did you know...WHPC has a Youth Committee? High School Youth join the Committee to work on and develop various town-wide projects to impact our community, while gaining leadership skills and community service hours! Youth who join have an ability to shape this committee to address the issues that matter most to youth today and make a positive impact.  Develop podcasts, PSAs, TED Students Talks, Fundraising and more!

Are you interested in learning more about the youth committee?

Please contact Kendra Epps at kepps@bridgesmilford.org  or http://tinyurl.com/WHYouthGroup-more information