Digital Health Check Welcome to the Mogul Digital Health Check Welcome to the Mogul Digital Health Check There are 8 short multi-choice questions for you to choose either A, B or C. If any of these questions stimulate your interest or leave you confused give us a call 06 877 7478 or email us: OK Question Title * 1. Our website is maintained on a monthly basis (e.g. backups, site checks, server maintenance & updates, security management, version and plugin updates). A. Yes! I sleep easy... B. No, should it be? C. I actually don’t know OK Question Title * 2. Our website is on the latest platform version available and all the plugins are up-to-date. A. Yes (if you have an Service Level Agreement with Mogul, you will be!) B. No, is that important? C. I have no idea OK Question Title * 3. Our website displays perfectly across all devices (including mobile) and on all browsers (e.g. Chrome, Explorer and Safari). A. Yes, we have a lot of mobile visitors B. No, it was built before the smartphone/tablet era C. What does that even mean? OK Question Title * 4. We’ve reviewed the goals and directions of our site in the last twelve months, based on business objectives, customer behaviour, and new technologies. A. Yes, we know the benefits of keeping our website inline with our business goals B. Not since it was built C. Not sure our site has goals? OK Question Title * 5. We budget for ongoing investment in our online presence including driving more traffic to the site, optimising conversion, reviewing the customer experience and the design of our site. A. Yes, online is an important sales channel for us B. No, it’s not a priority C. We only get in touch if it breaks OK Question Title * 6. Our website is fast to load. A. Yes, we’ve had it optimised B. No, and our customers aren’t happy C. Why, does that matter? OK Question Title * 7. We review our analytics on a monthly basis and continuously refine the website to improve results. A. Yes, the data tells us exactly what we can improve on B. No, that report is gobbledegook to me C. I don’t get a report? OK Question Title * 8. The competitor websites aren’t as good as ours! A. We make sure ours is better B. Haven’t looked at anyone else's sites C. Ours is slipping behind our competitors OK Question Title * 9. What's your biggest pet peeve with your current website? OK Question Title * 10. If you would like us to get in touch for a chat about your website or digital marketing needs, please complete your details below. Name Company Email Address Phone Number OK DONE