reinteractive - Web Apps Industry Benchmark

reinteractive Web App Industry Benchmark

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reinteractive is a leading international software development team with a wealth of experience in scoping and building web and mobile based applications. We're passionate about assisting CTOs, IT Managers, Engineering Managers and Senior Executives to bring their web application goals to fruition. Through our Web App Industry Benchmark we will bring intelligence from thousands of companies to the market on current trends, challenges and opportunities in web development.

Instructions: Rate yourself on the 21 sections below, to the best of your
knowledge as of today. Red is no plan, no systems or no action; Orange is your organisation is doing ok but could improve and Green is your business has the plan or actions under control.
2.Business Name
6.Size of Organisation
7.Discovery - We know how to identify whether we need a web or mobile app
8.Discovery - We know how to scope what that app has to do
9.Discovery - We know how to identify if that app will improve our business(business case)
10.Analysis - We are able to gather usable marketing data on our users
11.Analysis - we can leverage this data
12.Systems - we have our IT systems under good control
13.Systems - our 3rd party software is well integrated
14.Systems - we have a single source of truth for specific data
15.Scoping/Briefing - we’re able to visualise what the app needs to be/do
16.Scoping/Briefing - we can scope our requirements in a request for tender
17.Scoping/Briefing - we have a robust process to choose/select 3rd party developers
18.Development - we know how to engage with our chosen developer to kick off our projects
19.Development - We are able to bring IT projects to fruition
20.Ongoing - our internal support for managing apps is of high quaity
21.Ongoing -our 3rd party support for managing apps is of high quality
22.Ongoing - our company is able to manage cyber risk and security
23.Optional(if using Salesforce) - we use Salesforce to its full capacity for our organisation
24.Optional(if using Salesforce) - we leverage Salesforce beyond CRM into other applications
25.Optional(if using Salesforce) - we need to, but are yet to leverage Salesforce beyond CRM
Current Progress,
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